East England
Parish office:
Pastor Kerstin Othmer
4 Shaftesbury Road
Cambridge CB2 8BW
Tel: +44 (0) 1223 356 167
Email: cambridgegermanchurch@googlemail.com
Website: www.cambridge.german-church.org
Cambridge Parish house
In 1939 Pastor Franz Hildebrandt, a close friend of Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945), began church work among German emigrants in Cambridge. In 1956 the "German Lutheran Church in Cambridge and East Anglia" was officially founded and in the same year also became a member of the "Synod of German-Speaking Lutheran, Reformed and United Congregations in Great Britain". Today, the community is shaped by the development of Cambridge into a high-tech location and the associated influx of young families. In Cambridge, the congregation has a spacious Victorian townhouse with a large garden in the center of town. It is used in a variety of ways for services and other events. At the other places of worship, the congregation is a guest in Anglican churches in ecumenical connection.
Since 1985 the "Hamburg Church", the oldest German parish in Great Britain, has also been part of the parish. It was founded by Hanseatic merchants in London in 1669 and today focuses on the county of Essex, located between Cambridge and the British capital.
Image: Parish house in Cambridge